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Showing posts with label Fruity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fruity. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2012

Dirty South Drum Kit

Dirty South Drum Kits' from Big Citi Loops brings you customized Dirty South Hit Drums and two Construction Kits straight from the South side. These Drums included over fifteen 808 Subs, Claps, Hi-Hats, Claps, and FX sure to give you that Dirty South experience, with all the Royalty-Free elements you need to create dirty, shaking hits. Everything you need to create authentic Dirty South tracks is here, including Hit Drums, synth, pads, Sub 808, electronic drums, FX and more.
All parts individually exported
All loops are Royalty-Free
Keys and tempos are included
Fruity Loops

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

(Exclusive) Wiz Khalifa - Drum Kit

Jika Anda ingin mengambil suara profesional modern maka Anda perlu alat yang tepatuntuk membuat hits. Mulai membuat beats seperti yang Anda inginkan!
Paket ini berisi semua elemen desain suara untuk menciptakan hip hop terinspirasi oleh hip hop baru yang modern saat ini diwakili oleh seniman seperti Wiz Khalifa

Download juga   13 plugins VST gratis terbaik 
baca juga artikel tentang Cara Recording Dengan Adobe Audition
Jika Anda sudah percaya diri, Silahkan kirim CD demo anda di Alamat Major label Indonesia

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Installasi EZ Drummer di Steinberg Cubase dan FL Studio / Fruity Loops

Meneruskan review tentang drum sebelumnya yang berjudul Software virtual instrument untuk drum (drum simulator). Saat ini saya ingin berbagi tutorial bagaimana menginstal software virtual drum EZ Drummer Steinberg Cubase dan FL Studio atau lebih dikenal dengan Fruity Loops. Seperti yang saya jelaskan pada review tersebut, EZ Drummer ada software drum yang menurut saya paling mudah digunakan. Bagaimana tidak, pengaturan yang ada di host EZ Drummer ini hanyalah sebuah mixer yang hanya bisa mengatur volume dan suara ruangan (atau bisa dibilang reverb). Namun jangan berkecil hati terlebih dahulu bagi EZ Drummer user. Karena software virtual drum ini masing-masing tracknya bisa di routing ke track dan dapat di edit di mixer yang ada di DAW loh, sehingga anda dapat menggunakan effect/VST lain pada masing-masing kit yang sudah di routing ke track di DAW nya. Wah saya agak rancu malah menjelaskannya (maklum pemula). Mungkin nanti saya akan bahas pada artikel selanjutnya.

EZ Drummer adalah software virtual drum yang saya pakai pertama kali, kurang lebih 2 sampai 3 tahun lalu saya mengenal software EZ Drummer ini. Malah saya mengenal EZ Drummer terlebih dahulu dibandingkan mengenal Fruity Loops aka FL Studio. Pada posting ini, saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana menginstal EZ Drummer di Cubase dan juga FL Studio hingga nanti sedikit menjelaskan bagaimana menggunakan nya dan fitur apa yang ada di EZ Drummer ini.

Oke kita mulai dengan setting path VST plugins pada DAW dan atau Sequencer nya terlebih dahulu. Dimulai dari Steinberg Cubase. (NB: Klik gambar/image untuk memperbesar/memperjelas gambar)

Buka terlebih dahulu program Steinberg Cubase nya. Lalu pergi ke menu Device - Plug-in Information.

Lalu akan membuka sebuah window seperti gambar seperti ini

Klik tulisan/button VST 2.x Plug-in Paths, dan akan membuka sebuah window seperti gamber berikut

Nah coba lihat pada window tersebut, saya menyeting Shared Folder vst nya pada forder C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins. Anda bisa menyeting folder mana saja sesui keinginan anda. Apabila ingin menyeting sebuah folder baru untuk menaruh Vst anda, klik Add

Lalu klik Make New Folder ditempat yang anda inginkan, lalu rename sesuai dengan nama yang anda inginkan (contoh: ini folder plugins)

Klik OK, lalu pilih path folder yang barusan anda buat, dan klik Set as Shared Folder

Tapi itu sebuah contoh loh yah.. dalam tutorial ini saya tetap memakai Shared Folder vst nya di C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins

Nah setting path VST di Steinberg Cubase selesai, lalu bagaimana dengan FL studio alias Fruity loops? saya merekomendasikan agar folder yang dipakai juga sama dengan folder VST di Steinberg Cubase, mengapa? karena nanti semua plugins yang terinstal di Steinberg Cubase juga bisa dipakai di FL studio alias Fruity loops.

Cara setting nya, pertama tentu anda harus membuka program FL studio alias Fruity loops nya terlebih dahulu. Lalu pergi ke menu Option - File Settings

Lalu akan terbuka sebuah window seperti gambar dibawah ini
Coba lihat bagian VST plugins extra search folder, disana terlihat path folder yang saya gunakan sama dengan path folder vst yang ada di Steinberg Cubase diatas, yaitu C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins .

Apabila di program FL studio aka Fruity Loops anda path foldernya berbeda, klik gambar folder (disamping kanan tulisan path nya) lalu pilih folder yang sama dengan path folder yang dipakai di Steinberg Cubase.

Oke, setelah muter-muter menyeting path folder VST, saat nya menginstal EZ Drummer. Apabila anda sudah mempunyai Installer Ez Drummer, anda akan mempunyai beberapa file dan folder seperti gambar dibawah ini

Klik dua kali folder Install, lalu pilih folder PC (karna saya memakai Windows)

Nah nanti anda akan menemukan file dan folder seperti gambar dibawah ini

Coba lihat, disana ada dua installer, EZdrummer Installer.msi dan EZX Cocktail Installer.msi. Nah lo apa itu EZX Cocktail? walau saya tidak pernah memakainya, saya tetap menginstalnya kok, lumayan untuk iseng-iseng, EZX Cocktail itu kit tambahan yang user interfacenya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

kebayang kan bagaimana bunyi nya.

Oke kembali lagi kebahasan, klik dua kali file EZdrummer Installer.msi.

Lalu terbuka sebuah window, klik Next

LICENSE AGREEMENT, pilih I accept terms in the lisence agreement, lalu klik tombol Next lagi

Lalu pilih Complete, kecil kok ukuran size komplit nya, klik next lagi

Lalu klik Install

Tunggu hingga proses installasi selesai

Lalu klik Finish apabila sudah selesai

Kalu di DVD Installer ada file untuk update, tinggal instal saja, sama kok caranya seperti menginstal EZ drummer nya. Lakukan hal yang sama dengan Installer EZX Cocktail Installer.msi.

Waduh.. sudah panjang yah artikelnya, kita potong disini saja, nanti saya akan lanjutkan untuk test drive, lalu cara menggunakan dan membuat beat drum menggunakan EZ Drummer di Steinberg Cubase dan FL Studio atau lebih dikenal dengan Fruity Loops, dan lain-lain, so... tunggu saja yah ;)

Home RecordingStudio Rekaman

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Humanizing Fruity Loops Projects

Sometimes Fruity Loops projects can start to sound too jagged and machine-like. Here's a few simple ways to give your FL music a push towards sounding more human. For this tutorial start a new project and add a kick drum and hi-hat channels. Now in the browser we'll be using the score & humanizing presets. Shown here.

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Fruity Loops Power Users

Here are some great interviews with artists who use Fruity Loops professionally. Definitly check them out if you haven't already. These are on the official FL Studio site. Some good reading that shows that using FL Studio can go a long way with a little creativity.

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Fruity Loops, FL Studio - Power Users Interviews

Fruity Loops - Interviews posted by Editor at 6:42 PM

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Setting Up Layers in Fruity Loops

Using Layers in Fruity Loops

Using layers in Fruity Loops allows you to trigger multiple sound sources from one channel in the Step Sequencer. Layers are very easy to set up in FL Studio, yet are very powerful and helpful.

Start a new Fruity Loops project. Now insert a couple drum samples, a 3x Osc, and a BooBass channel. Now in the top menu bar click "Channels" then "Add one" then "Layer" at the top of the pop-up. This will insert a Layer channel to the Fruity Loops Step Sequencer.

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Synthesizer Info for Fruity Loops

Since many of the generators in Fruity Loops are soft-synths, here are some basic info on how synthesizers create sound and how certain functions control sound. This information is useful when you start tweaking the synths in FL Studio for custom sounds.

A synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument designed to produce electronically generated sound. Synthesizers create sounds through direct manipulation of electrical voltages, mathematical manipulation of discrete values using computers, or by a combination of both methods. Synthesizers typically have a keyboard which provides the human interface to the instrument and are often thought of as keyboard instruments. However, a synthesizer's human interface does not necessarily have to be a keyboard, nor does a synthesizer strictly need to be playable by a human.

An oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a repetitive electronic signal, often a sine wave or a square wave.

Low frequency oscillation, often abbreviated to LFO, is a term that predominantly refers to an audio technique specifically used in the production of electronic music. In addition to the main oscillator(s) of a synthesizer, which is responsible for the creation of the audio signal itself, an LFO is an additional oscillator that operates at a comparatively lower frequency (hence its name) that modulates the audio signal, thus causing a difference to be heard in the signal without the actual introduction of another sound source. Most synths in Fruity Loops provide a LFO that can be adjusted to your liking. A low frequency oscillator can be routed to control a variety of different parameters, for example the frequency of the audio oscillator, the phase, panning, filter frequency, or the velocity of the synthesizer's output. For instance, when routed to pitch, an LFO serves to simulate vibrato, and when an LFO modulates amplitude (volume), it creates tremolo. On most synthesizers and sound modules, there are several different ways in which the user can alter the effect produced by the LFO. These may include a variety of different waveforms, a rate control, routing options, a tempo sync feature, and an option to control the amount by which the LFO will modulate the audio signal. Electronic musicians use LFO for a variety of applications, ranging from adding simple vibrato or tremolo to a melody, to more complex applications such as triggering gate envelopes.

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Yamaha DD55 - Digital MIDI Drum Pad - Fruity Loops

Here's a great way to have a MIDI drum trigger that let's you input notes directly in to Fruity Loops like a real drum. This is great for giving your FL Studio projects a human feel, which is always important.

Track live drums for your computer audio projects, including Fruity Loops. Great way to lay down interactive on-the-fly rhythms in FL Studio.

The Yamaha DD55 is on sale right now for $240 - Awesome buy, check it out.

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Pump up your Fl Studio Tracks with Fruity Compressor

Compression is one of the most important effects in music and audio production. And the Fruity Compressor is a nice easy to use effect that can be used to help pre-master and give a boost to your tracks.

Now what a compressor does is reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal if its amplitude exceeds a threshold. The amount of gain reduction is determined by a ratio control. For example, with a ratio of 4:1, an increase of 4 dB will be needed to increase the output signal level by 1 dB over the threshold.

What this means is that when you use compression on a Fruity Loops track each channel of audio will become more leveled out with each other. It lets you set up your mix so that each audio channel will fall between and set range; it brings the low volume signals up while keep the higher level channels punchy boosting the overall gain of the track without exceeding the dynamic level and clipping.

In FL Studio the Fruity Compressor has six controls: threshold, attack, ratio, release, gain, and type.

Threshold - Sets the dB level at which the compressor kicks in (with a range from 0.0 to -60.0 dB). The threshold should be adjusted according to the relative input level and the type of audio material. Once the threshold level is reached, compression will start, reducing the gain of the input signal according to the current Ratio, Type, Attack and Release settings.

Ratio - Controls the amount of compression (gain reduction) that will be applied to the signal once the threshold level is reached (with a range from 0.4:1 to 30:1). Ratio denotes the difference in dB between input level and output level, i.e. how much the signal above threshold level will be compressed (or expanded, at ratios below 1:1). For example, a ratio of 4:1 means that when the input level increases by 4dB, the output level of the signal above threshold will only increase by 1dB.

Gain - Controls the amount of make-up gain to be added or subtracted from the compressed output signal (with a range from 30.0 to -30.0 dB). The gain should be adjusted to normalize the signal amplitude after compression, or to control the amount of limiting.

Attack - Controls the time it takes to reach full compression once the threshold level has been exceeded (with a range from 0.0 to 400.0 ms). A fast attack setting means that compression will be more or less instant. Using a slower attack setting results in the compression being gradually increased, allowing for more variations in the signal than the fast setting. Attack should be adjusted according to the nature of the audio material.

Release - The Release parameter sets the time the compressor takes to stop acting after the level has fallen below threshold (with a range from 1 to 4000 ms). Short release times will make the compression more flexible and able to adapt to the input signal, but can cause fast changes in gain that may sound displeasing. Longer release times produce a signal with a more even level and less distortion, but make it harder to maximize the overall compression because small variations in signal level will be ignored.

Type - This parameter controls the knee type and TCR. The possible values are: Hard, Medium, Vintage, Soft, Hard/R, Medium/R, Vintage/R, Soft/R. The knee determines the dB range above and below the threshold where the compression goes from 1:1 to the selected compression ratio. A hard knee setting means that compression will take place immediately after the threshold level is reached, whereas a soft knee setting indicates that compression is gradually applied over a range in the signal.

Here's a great page explaining the use of compression in greater detail: Compression-Limiting

Experiment with the compressor in your FL tracks and stayed tuned for Using Fruity Compressor part 2 for more info and tips on using it in your FL Studio projects.

Check Grasak Fuck Audio Production : Download SongsFruity Loops - FL Studio REsource posted by Editor at 7:58 AM

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Creating Ghost Notes in Fruity Loops

Ghost notes will greatly enhance your Fruity Loops projects. Ghost notes are low volume tones or hits, more felt than heard, that add an extra dimension to a track and are especially useful to give the drums a more human feel. If you have ever heard a beat and couldn’t quite figure out why it sounds so full and layered, chances are that ghost notes are being used.

Fruity Loops makes ghosting notes simple.

Start a new Project and choose a sample. I used a kick drum. Now add two channels of the same sample. Here they are kick and kick #2. Kick # 2 will be the ghost track.

The easiest way to set-up ghost notes is to boost the channel volume the first channel (kick) and drop the volume of the other (kick #2) until it is barely audible. Then create a simple pattern between both channels. Keep adjusting the volume of each until the ghost channel feels like an almost silent pulsating echo or pre-echo.

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Creating Custom Samples for Fruity Loops - FL Studio

Fruity Loops comes with many samples for you to use in your projects, but if you really want your FL studio tracks to stand out it's all about using new and unique samples.

One way to go about this is to buy pre-made sample packs. This is a great option if you want professional samples that have usually been mic'ed up in a real studio and tuned just right.

However, even these are limiting in that anyone else using the samples from the same company will have all the same sounds as you. Well why not create your own samples? This is what the pros do and it's not really that difficult. This tutorial is going to walk you through the process of creating samples right on your computer.

First thing you will need is a mic that can connect to your computer. I have a wide variety of different microphones from high quality condensers to cheap mics that are usually used for voice chat. Actually a couple that I use for a lot of things is this really inexpensive Labtec AM-242 Desk Boom Microphone

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How to Use Step Sequencer - Fruity Loops Tutorial

This Fruity Loops tutorial will go over the basic functions and how to use the step sequencer. Hopefully this can help new Fruity Loops users jump start producing tracks and if you have been working with FL Studio for awhile you can pick up a few things as well.

Boot up Fruity Loops, start a new project, and pull up the step sequencer if it's not already on screen by going to VIEW at the top and selecting step sequencer or pressing F6.

Usually when the program boots up the step sequencer will already be up loaded with a kick, clap, HiHat, and snare track, if not add some sounds from wherever you keep your samples. A couple easy ways to do this is by either hitting F8 to bring up the browser and going to the Packs folder where your sounds should be stored or clicking CHANNELS at the top, selecting Add One, and adding a Sampler track. Then right click the Sampler in the step sequencer, choose "load sample", find your sounds and choose what you want to use.

For this FL Studio tutorial I'm going to use a kick drum, HiHat, snare, and crash cymbal to build a basic track while highlighting most of the step sequencer functions.

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Fruity Loops REsource

Master Fruity Loops - FL Studio software - with free tips, tricks, tutorials, samples, vst plugins, and more. Enhance your FL Studio music/audio projects. The #1 resource for Fruity Loops.

January 24, 2007 Welcome to the Fruity Loops -FL Studio REsource. Here you will learn about Fruity Loops music software--including: samples, sounds, generators, beats, plugins, demo, soundpacks, audio recording, packs, songs, vst, instruments, VSti, DXi, downloads, sound packs, beat maker, drum machine, full version, beat making, drum kits, guide, rap, rapper, hip hop, techno, drum and bass, create, pro, video, audio, music, production, producer, edition, forum, help, instructions, files, buy fruity loops, instrumentals, reggaeton, freeware, download, and more. Also, discover tips, tricks, manual, and tutorial on how to use and get the most from Fruity Loops 7, 6.0, 6, 5.0, 5, 4.0, 4, 3.5, 3, programs. Free FL Studio help. Fruity Loops for dummies. Make your own music. Synch up with Cakewalk, Sonar, Cubase, Magix, VST, Pro Tools, Reason, Acid Pro, Cool Edit Pro, Sonic Foundry, samples, drums, Music Creator, Audacity, DJ software, beat machines, Virtual Studio, Fruity Loops Vsti--TS404 bassline, Speech Synthesizer, 3x OSC, 4Front, BeepMap, BooBass, Chrome, Fruity Slicer, Layers, Plucked, Sampler, Simpler, Buzz Generator, Dashboard, FL Keys, FL Slayer, FPC, Fruit Kick, Fruity DrumSynth Live, DX10, Envelope Controller, Granulizer, Vibrator, MIDI Out, Rewire, SimSynth, Sytrus, Wasp XT, Wave Traveller, and Fruity Loops FL Studio Effects-- Edison, Band EQ, CEnter Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Distortion, Flangus, Parametric EQ, PanOMatic, Reverb, Spectroman, Vocoder, WaveShaper, music creation software and all other online internet computer music systems.

Fruity Loops - FL Studio REsource posted by Editor at 2:18 PM

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