The results mix that goes through masterbuss the comp will be more pronounced his excitement, more felt his groove, and more punch. Of course this also depends on the type of election material, compressor, usage instructions and setting the compressor itself.
The results mix that goes through masterbuss the comp will be more pronounced his excitement, more felt his groove, and more punch. Of course this also depends on the type of election material, compressor, usage instructions and setting the compressor itself.
Masterbuss how to use compressor there are 3 common
Mixing through Masterbuss compressor. Masterbuss compressor activated since the beginning and we are mixing thru masterbuss comp itself. Advantages of this technique is a more sound character and attitude that is more fitting. It should be noted here that the election of compressor prevalent and varies according to the genre of the music itself is very important. You certainly don't want to mix your metal sounding deflated in the frequency lo mid!Masterbuss compressor at the end. The result is usually more transparent and more focused on the dynamic control of the mix. To note is when we put up the masterbuss comp, then the whole track will pass the compressor and may change the balance adaTanpa masterbuss compressor at all.Figure 2. Manley Megas Yialos. Compressor required for genre popPemilihan types and masterbuss compressor settings also vary for each genre. Often this type of compressor is selected is a type of VCA or optic. Not always like this but I usually start here for further tweaking more in track suits
For this type of music is Funk, usually to the bass and drums are highlighted. It needs to be setting a slow attack, fast release and a moderate ratio for mengekspose groove of music. Can be started from Attack 30ms, release 0.1 – depending on the tempo with a 1ms ratio 2: 1. Keep the Gain reduction is about 2-3 dbUntuk type of Rock music, usually want highlighted is the glue and wide. Then choose a compressor which is not narrowed its airy your stereo. A 30-10ms R 0.1-1ms or auto release. Sidechain feature itself is very useful for removing the sub frequencies in order to kick roaring did not interfere with the balance of the whole track. Keep the gain reduction of no more than 3 dbUntuk of Music Dance, usually to achieve maximum gain and punch. Select a compressor with a transparent character and punch. A 30ms R 0.1 ms with gain reduction to 5 db. Parallel compression feature would be very useful in keeping the compression can be maximized with less artifactUntuk usually pop to be achieved is the glue and enhance. Select is usually the type of compressor tube with smooth character. A 30-10ms R 1-2 ms or auto release. The Gain Reduction 1-2db
Masterbuss compressor usage alone should not be relied upon to get the balance, character, and glue. Balance and the glue should begin from the compression of each channel is made, masterbuss the comp just as a topping for Dynamics and character of the song "out" perfectly.
By: Dya Pratama Andryan
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