Di Indonesia, kini telah berdiri 2 sekolah untuk sound engineer. Hal ini sangatlah bagus, karena bisa mendukung perkembangan dunia entertainment Indonesia, khusunya di bidang audio. Dan mengapa sekolah ini dibutuhkan di Indonesia? Alasannya karena banyak sound enginner Indonesia yang belajar sound secara otodidak dan tanpa sertifikat. Padahal bisa dibilang sound engineer Indonesia sudah banyak yang mumpuni. Namun karena beberapa keterbatasan, mereka kurang dikenal.
Sehingga sekolah khusus audio seperti ini bisa diharapkan menjadi sebuah batu loncatan bagi Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan sound enginner muda mereka kepada dunia. Please welcome, SSR Jakarta dan SAE Jakarta:
- SSR Jakarta
SSR was the first audio engineering school in the UK and we are now proudly delivering our education programmes in Indonesia. Launched in 2011, SSR Jakarta was the first overseas branch of the SSR institution.
We deliver exciting, industry led training programmes in audio engineering and creative media production ranging from weekend short courses to in depth 18 month programmes. As a 'Partner Institution' of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), we will soon be delivering degree programmes in Jakarta validated by a leading UK University.
Web: http://www.s-s-r.com/jakarta/index.php
- SAE JakartaSAE institute Jakarta delivers the latest international academic programs in Creative Media. Our Diploma and Bachelor programs include Audio Engineering, Film Production, Animation and Music Business. Our Certificate programs include Live Sound Engineering and Advanced Electronic Music Production. Students at SAE Jakarta study for careers in the exciting world of creative media undertaking professional and practical training to the highest international standards in our state of the art audio, film and multimedia facilities.
SAE Institute Jakarta also offers certificate short courses in Music Production, Film Production and Electronic Music Production for people who are too busy for full time studies or those who just want to gain knowledge on specific media topics
Web: http://jakarta.sae.edu/en-gb/home/