Limiter is also still included in Compressor, simple definition of a compressor and limiter according to Fry are: Basically what these do is keep an eye (or should that be ear?) on signal levels, stopping them from getting any louder than the level you set (the Threshold). A compressor puts a gentle? squeeze? on excess levels, whereas a limiter hits it on the head with a hammer.
The limiter function is as the name suggests, that is me-limit/restrict the audio signal, usually used to make a constant output, the input signal will be constrained by the threshold and output will be raised as needed. Compressor can also act as a Limiter when the compression ratio of the compressor exceeds 10: 1.
Refer to the diagram above, signals exceeding the threshold reduced to the level of the threshold so that the signal is never past the limit. These tools are sometimes used to protect equipment from a sharp signal of a destructive nature. However, this solution results in heavy distortion due to work force such as the limiter saturation.
As in the article about the Compressor and its functions, the following functions of the existing parameters on the Limiter:
Compressor threshold start work or active. Example: If the compressor threshold gives a chance at the 0 means that the compressor will be activated or belertja when the signal hits the numbers 0dB, but if the signal does not touch the 0 berartis the compressor is not working.
Quantify the reduction in the amplitude of a signal above the threshold, or a comparison of the signal in and out.
1: 1 there is no compression, the output signal with the signal above the input2: 1 the threshold is reduced to half. If the signal exceeds the limits by 10 dB, its value is reduced to 5 dB. other values including 3: 1, 4: 1, etc. To value ratio higher than 10: 1, acts like a compressor limiter.
Attack time
The time it takes before the signal tercompress. Attack time is measured using a milisecond (ms). Example: If the attack time means chance at number 0ms compressor will work right away, because there is no time lag before the signal is tercompres, then the soundnya will sound dull. We recommend setting a slower attack time signal in order to keep a good attack or have also.
Release Time
The time it takes to return to the State of compressor not compression, the goal is smooth action of the compressor. A split release just like attack, i.e. use the ms (milisecond). release time setting sometimes makes the wrong audio to be pumping.
Hold Time
After the input signal amplitude back to the bottom of the threshold, the compressor reduces the action during its release until you reach the compression ratio 1: 1. Hold time allows time release was delayed after the signal back to the threshold, so that the compressor remain active for a longer time.
The Output Of The
The Output could be said as a gain. You can use the output of the compressor to increase the volume level.